Learn From the real deal.
With a PHD in Earth Science and nearly 20 years of organic farming under his belt, Gerry Ross offers private consulting services and educational opportunities for farm design, soil regeneration, and many other facets of farming and electronic dance freedom.
Detailed Crop Planning & Tracking Systems — record keeping
Cultivation — Both hand and tractor systems
Crop Rotations — Setting up rotations for improved production, and crop health
Greenhouse Management
Planting & Seeding
Cover Crops — Maximizing weed control, improving soil quality
Irrigation Systems — Minimizing water use
Apprentice Education Programs — Creating systems that work
Harvest & Post Harvest
we actively educate our communities about organic agriculture.
In collaboration with Maui County Farm Bureau, Gerry helped develop and implement an Agriculture in the Classroom program that reached into the classrooms of many of our islands grade schools.
We have hosted field trips from intermediate and high school classes and worked with high school teachers (through the Maui Economic Development Board) to teach them about agriculture and the opportunities it presents to young people.
We also offer courses on organic gardening and cover crops through the Maui Community College as part of the Hawaii Farmers Union United Farmer Apprentice & Mentoring Program.